Sunshine Thrift Donations

Received a mailer?
Our community partner Sunshine Thrift Stores and their affiliates Collection Solutions & Management, LLC (SS#67971) conduct our clothing donation program. Mailers are sent to homes asking for donations of gently used clothing and household discards. Your participation is greatly appreciated. When you see the mailer, please follow these instructions:
On the specified date in red, a Sunshine Thrift affiliate truck will be in your neighborhood picking up clothing and household items.
- Place your boxes/bags CURBSIDE by 8:00 am on the date noted on the front of the card. No need to call unless you have specific instructions such as access through a gate, concern over weather, or questions about what is accepted.
- Attach the mailer to one of your bags/boxes. Any additional boxes/bags should be marked with the letters “SJCH” and clearly visible from the street.
- No need to call, our truck will be on your street between 8:00 am and 6:00 pm and will leave a tax receipt for your convenience.
Schedule a curbside pick-up by calling (813) 443-8080.
Frequently asked questions

labelswap® specializes in buying current fashion direct from consumers and offering them for sale to price savvy customers in a convenient, trendy store. Items that labelswap® is not able to accept can be donated at the store to SJCH. Items donated are then weighed and sold and proceeds from the sale are used to fund valuable programs at SJCH.